Hey there,

Thanks for clicking on Meet Marie. These pages can be awkward, so I’m just going to dive right in and at least hope you enjoy the various hair colours I’ve had over the years.

When I was 17 years old I said yes to Jesus.

That decision didn’t happen in a moment. It took four years of belonging to a local church that welcomed me into their community and shared an invitation to know Jesus with me almost every day.

I will never forget how it feels to be new to church and curious about God. What it is like to walk through the doors of an established community and find your people. That’s why for the past two decades I have worked for church and evangelistic ministries, including Youth For Christ and currently Alpha International helping people explore faith, and find a church they can call home.

Now 20 years on I’m privileged to work with churches across the UK to develop their culture of invitation, welcome and outreach.

I love to learn, write, teach and create resources that help others grow in their practice of evangelism and faith, so creating this space was the natural next step.

I have tried and failed at many things, and still have a lot to learn, but for now, I pray what you read/listen to on this site, helps you grow in your confidence.

Alongside evangelism, I am passionate about healthy culture and communication.

You will find both within articles and resources these subjects covered, which I hope helps propel you forward in your gifts, and as you sharpen and cultivate your skills.


Two truths and a lie-

  1. Whenever I go out for dinner I love to pretend I’m a food critic and take a notepad with me and make loud yummm noises (had at least two free meals doing this)

  2. I was a child actress featured on many beloved 90s TV shows and films.

  3. I love Cinnabon cinnamon rolls so much that I once booked a flight via the US based solely on which airport had an outlet (it extended my journey time by 5 hours, but was worth every bite.)

If you would like to connect, or simply want to know the answer to the above, you can get in touch here and if not, and you were just curious about what was on my meet me page, thanks for reading!
